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Les Levidow is Senior Research Fellow at the Open University, UK. There he has studied agri-food-environmental issues, especially technofixes, public controversy and alternative agendas from civil society networks. A long-time case study of his was conflicts over agri-biotech (transgenics) in the European Union, USA and their trade conflicts.  He has researched agroecology as a transformative agenda, initially European networks, and more recently South American agroecology initiatives for a solidarity economy and food sovereignty.  He is Co-Editor of our associated journal, Science as Culture, begun in 1987.

Les Levidow


Kean Birch is a professor at York University, Canada. He is Co-Editor of the journal Science as Culture. His research focuses on the entanglement of technoscience and capitalism, especially as this relates to new biotechnologies and digital technologies. Originally from the UK, he has lived in Canada since 2011.

Kean Birch

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